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Plan with Purpose: Goal Setting for 2025

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When was the last time you took a step back to really think about where you are in life and business—and where you want to go?

It’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind, moving from one task to the next without a clear sense of direction. But without a vision, how do you know if you’re moving toward success or just staying busy?

In the latest episode of the Big Money $tylist Podcast, Katie Guthrie and Krystal Coit dive into the art of strategic planning and goal-setting. They discuss how having a clear vision and a roadmap, like the Fact Map we use in NBR Education, can help you achieve balance and success in both your personal and professional life.

What Is the Fact Map?

The Fact Map is a tool designed Wake Up Warrior to give you clarity about where you are now and where you want to be. It’s all about setting intentional goals across four key areas of life: Body, Balance, Being, and Business. By breaking down these areas, you can identify what’s working and what’s not and how to create actionable steps toward a better future.

In the episode, Katie and Krystal explain how using this tool has transformed their own lives and businesses. They share how this simple, strategic approach can help you stay on track and build toward the life and career you’ve always dreamed of.

Why Vision Matters in Both Life and Business

Many of us are great at setting business goals but often forget that our personal lives need just as much attention. Katie and Krystal stress that balance is key. Whether you’re trying to grow your business, improve your health, strengthen relationships, or enhance your sense of purpose, everything is interconnected.

In this episode, they offer real-world tips for creating a vision that aligns with your goals, and they break down how to prioritize your time and energy to achieve the growth you’re aiming for. A major takeaway? It’s not just about working harder—it’s about working smarter with a clear path in front of you.

The Importance of Planning Ahead

If you’re looking for change, it’s not enough to wish for things to get better. You need a plan that helps you focus on where you want to go and, more importantly, how to get there.

Katie and Krystal talk about the power of intentional planning—whether it’s setting goals for the next five years or laying out steps to crush your objectives in the next 12 months. They explain how to overcome the fears that might hold you back and how personal growth fuels professional success.

A Sneak Peek at the NBR Retreat

One exciting part of the episode is hearing all about the upcoming NBR Retreat in December. This retreat is built around the themes discussed in the podcast: vision, planning, balance, and transformation. It’s designed to help you dive deep into your Fact Map and start creating a roadmap to the future you want to live.

Whether you’re a seasoned stylist or just getting started, this retreat offers an incredible opportunity to refine your goals, find clarity, and connect with a community that’s just as committed to growth as you are.

Key Takeaways from This Episode:

  • Set Clear Goals: Get intentional with your vision for the next year and beyond.
  • Use the Fact Map: Map out actionable steps across Body, Balance, Being, and Business.
  • Balance Is Key: Business success comes when you also prioritize personal growth.
  • Planning Leads to Transformation: Don’t just hustle—strategize and make meaningful progress.

If you’re ready to stop spinning your wheels and start making real progress in both your personal life and business, this episode is packed with actionable advice to help you get there.

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Connect with Katie
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