Step Away to Step Ahead at tHE NBR RETREAT

Recharge, Refocus, and Reignite Yourself & Your Career Before 2025.

We’ve all been there—another year passes, and those goals you set are still tucked away in that journal, collecting dust on the bookshelf. It's time for a change. Join an exclusive, intimate retreat where you’ll recharge your creativity, sharpen your skills, and elevate your business to new heights.

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Virtual & in-person attendance:
December 11-13, 2024 IN DANA POINT, CA

Public enrollment begins 09/16/2024:

You're ready to connect with your NBR Tribe- filled with motivated stylists who are ready to not just set BIG goals but actually map out the steps to achieve them.

If that's a yes, then welcome—you’re in the right place!
This retreat is more than just a getaway; it's a deep dive into what makes you an exceptional artist and entrepreneur. For several days, you’ll be surrounded by driven, like-minded stylists who are just as committed to mastering their craft and building a life they love. We’re zeroing in on what truly moves the needle: gaining clarity on where you are now, defining where you want to go, and mapping out the weekly steps needed to turn your vision into reality.

this event is for you if...

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Let's break it down.


This retreat is designed for those who are serious about elevating their careers. Our Fact Map goal-setting process applies to all, so if you're eager for growth, we welcome you with open arms. Whether you’ve been behind the chair for years, are at the beginning of your journey into six-figure success, or don't do hair at all, this event will give you the tools, connections, and clarity to make it happen.



virtual prep

Before you even step foot at the retreat, we’re setting you up for success with a one-week virtual prep kicking off December 3rd. During this time, you’ll get familiar with the Warrior App, the powerful software we'll be using to evaluate your goals and track your progress on a weekly basis. This app will be your go-to tool, helping you stay on course and accountable as you work toward your personal and professional milestones.



3 Day FacT Map training

Dive into our 3-day Fact Map Training starting with an evaluation of your current reality to understand where you are now. On the second day, we’ll help you set ambitious goals and define your vision for where you want to go. Finally, on day three, we’ll create a detailed, actionable roadmap to guide you toward achieving your goals, breaking down the necessary steps and milestones to ensure your success.




Immerse yourself in a retreat experience that goes beyond traditional training. Our retreat features a range of wellness practices and relaxation opportunities to ensure you leave feeling balanced, inspired, and ready to tackle your goals regardless of if you attend in-person or virtually!

I'm ready ▸


community & connection

One of the most valuable aspects of this retreat is the strong, supportive community you'll become a part of. You’ll connect with people who, like you, are driven to succeed and committed to growth. Surrounding yourself with others who share your vision and ambitions not only motivates you but also provides the encouragement and accountability you need to keep pushing forward.

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End of retreat celebration

We’ll wrap up the retreat with a special celebration to honor everything you’ve accomplished during our time together. This isn’t just about reflecting on the goals you’ve set, but also about celebrating the incredible progress you’ve made over the past three days. Together, we’ll raise a glass to your newfound clarity and determination, and cheer on our newest NBR Academy graduates. It’s a moment to recognize your hard work, embrace your potential, and share in the excitement of what lies ahead—because after this retreat, you’re ready to make big things happen.


The Details

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Enrollment opens in September 9th at 12:00 PM PST for NBR Academy Members, Graduates, and Mastermind members. Enrollment for public tickets will open on September 16th.

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friends, Team Members, and family

Ever wish your partner could get clear on their own goals so they’re more aligned with yours? Now’s your chance to invite them! Let your loved ones experience the same powerful transformation so you can grow together and support each other on your journeys. Virtual tickets will be $247.

keep an eye on your email!

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what you'll leave with

By the end of this retreat, you'll have your 2025 goals set and an action plan to make progress each week. But we’re not stopping there—your success will be supported by the Warrior App, which will help you gamify your targets. This scientifically-backed approach to goal setting is designed to keep you motivated and on track, ensuring that you achieve your goals.


Limited To 20 Seats

Wellness Activities Available

Lunch, Coffee, and Snacks Included


$247 For Public Attendees

$147 For Members - Comped Ticket Used

$0 For Members - Comped Ticket Not Used

$0 For NBR Mastermind Members

ticket options for everyone:



“The fact map was a game changer for me.”

If it weren't for the Fact Map I don't think I would have ever given myself the chance to think of myself as the person I am now.”


That dream you have for a well-lived life isn't out of reach!

But if you're anything like us, sometimes you need help to hit that next level or set bigger goals for yourself. You just want someone to show you what works.

We get it! All the spinning plates of life can get you feeling like its impossible to make the space or give yourself that extra push you know you need to make a change. But Danielle's husband Garrett figured out the key to not just setting goals, but how to achieve them! We KNOW the Fact Map process works and can't wait to see what impact is has this year on our tribe and the industry as a whole.

You're in the right place. 


is this replacing ACADEMY convention?

No, this retreat is not replacing the convention. However, there will be no Academy convention in 2024, comparable to the ones held from 2021 to 2023. Conventions aren’t a thing of the past, but this year we’re shifting our focus toward growth and more intimate experiences to help you thrive!

Who is eligible to attend the retreat?

The retreat is open to stylists who are serious about elevating their careers, as well as anyone committed to personal and professional growth. Whether you’re a Licensed Artist, an NBR Academy student, or simply someone looking for powerful goal-setting tools, you’re welcome to join us.

How do I use my complimentary convention ticket for this event?

If you have a complimentary convention ticket and haven’t used it yet, it will be automatically applied at checkout. A virtual seat for NBR Academy Members & Graduates is $147. Mastermind members receive a complimentary in-person ticket. Seats are first come first served, so set your alarms for  12 PM PST on September 9th to secure your seat. 

How do I invite a friend or family member to join virtually?

You can invite friends and family to join virtually for just $247. This includes access to the Warrior App, pre-event training, and post-event support. They’ll experience the same powerful transformation, helping them align their goals with yours. Tickets will be available for purchase starting September 16th for the public.

i want to attend in person, but i'm not part of the NBR Mastermind!

The NBR Mastermind program is always open for enrollment, so if you're a Licensed NBR Artist who would like to attend in person we suggest joining the program and book your seat as soon as tickets are available to ensure you secure one. The NBR Mastermind is jam packed with benefits, check them out and enroll here!

Don’t Miss Your Chance
To Join This Transformative Experience.

this is your chance! 

Whether in person or virtually, this is your moment. Save the date and get ready start creating the future you deserve. If you have questions and want to connect with us before signing up, jump in the chat to message us! 

December 11-13, 2024 IN DANA POINT, CA

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