Simply fill out the form below to apply to be a guest on the Big Money $tylist Podcast. We will review your request within 1 week and email you with next steps and details. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!
Willing to dive into tough topics and share with kindness and humor
You have topics you're passionate about sharing
Willing to be an open book about your journey and experiences
You're able to present your topic in a clear, concise, and easy to digest way
The Big Money $tylist Podcast is all about real conversations with entreprenuers and hairstylists who aren't afraid to be open and honest about their experiences. As your host, our goal is to find a piece of your story that connects and inspires Artists within the industry and teaches them tactical tools to take their career to the next level... all while bringing it to bite-sized and relatable podcast topics!
Fill out the application below to be considered as a guest on the Big Money $tylist Podcast. Please note, we typically record episodes several weeks in advance, so our content calendar does fill quickly!