Weft Patterns


Weft Patterns and how you place ISLA® wefts are crucial in your overall transformation and seamless end result!

It may seem scary with your Blonde clients, but you must  incorporate the client’s natural dimension into your weft choices and patterns. This will ensure there’s no color disconnect between the client’s natural and extensions, especially within the window. This will reduce the possibility of the final transformation looking muted and one-dimensional.

You can use the same color wefts, just in a different pattern/order, and get a totally different outcome.  Try something new when you’re placing hair, and if it doesn’t work, you can always change it before you stitch! This is where your “Artist brain” gets to be creative! 

Always brush the Pattern together to see what the wefts look like when combined. This will give you the best idea of the overall blend.

Now, here is something you MUST DO….Anticipate the fade.

Clients often have cool, neutral, AND warm tones in their hair, so create patterns that blend and mimic their natural hair. This will keep your client’s extensions blended with their natural hair from week 1 to week 7!

  • Play with Weft Colors 

  • Create your favorite Weft Patterns

  • Test your Color Blends

  • Anticipate the Fade 

Need some ideas on what wefts of ISLA® Hair to pull for your next client? Here are a few tried and true examples of weft placements on real clients:

Now that you feel comfortable and confident in choosing your client’s next weft pattern, you’ll be learning how to customize your wefts even further in the next lesson.

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