How-to: Stitch

How-to: Stitch

Stitching secures your wefts to the track and ensures sleek and seamless rows.

The CLEANER you work, the easier it will be for you to Stitch. 

Stitching Needle Tips:

Your stitching string will be two arm lengths or a full wingspan length string. 

When you are tying the knot on the needle, make sure the knot is NOT against the eye of the needle – otherwise, it can feel like it is pulling crosshairs when you are Stitching. 

Your first stitching knot will be a DOUBLE knot next to the Start Bead. 

The needle should ALWAYS go vertical behind the track. If it is moved either left or right, your stitches will not get tight enough.

A stitch should NEVER go behind a bead, nor should the hair in the bead be stitched into it.

There should be three stitches between each bead. If you feel you have to add more, it could be that your beadwork is farther than 1” from bead to bead. 

The knot should sit on the SEAM of the OUTERMOST weft. The knot should never be BELOW the seam, nor on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th weft.

Placing the knot, pinching the wefts, and pulling up, are three separate steps. In the beginning, don’t try to do them all at once. Focus more on each action, and getting the repetition down.

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